If you have difficulty in uninstalling FxFactory, or you are new to Mac system, we would recommend you to run a reputable tool, like Osx Uninstaller, to save the trouble. For Mac Newbies: Remove FxFactory by Osx Uninstaller (3)Launch Activity Monitor, select any process pertaining to FxFactory under the Process Name, then click X on the upper left corner, and click Quit button.Īfter that, you can uninstall FxFactory by two available methods.
(2)Press the Command-Control-Q keystroke to quit the current app (1)Right click on FxFactory icon in Dock and choose Quit Here are multiple options to quit an active application from macOS/Mac OS X: Prior to the uninstall, you should quit the target app, otherwise it cannot be trashed. Tip 1: deactivate FxFactory before uninstalling it
“What is FxFactory for Mac? It is a visual effects package that provides a large collection of plug-ins for professional video editing and motion graphics software, including Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, Adobe After Effects CC, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC.” How to Thoroughly Uninstall FxFactory from macOSĬome to this page looking for the effective way of deleting FxFactory? No matter for what reason you decide to uninstall FxFactory, it is important to follow the proper steps so that you can get rid of all its components from your system once and for all.